Friday, June 22, 2007

Joe Biden, afraid of no one

Yeah, I know this story is old, but it just blows me away. FNC and the Congressional Black Caucus are putting on a debate in Detroit this September. All democrats except Joe Biden (D, Delaware) have said they would not be attending. WHAT?! Are they that scared of Fox News? I mean come on this is a joke isn't it? Aren't politicians supposed to be interested in healthy debate? I believe they have an obligation to engage in debate...but obviously not in debates where they might be asked difficult questions! You and those like you should be upset, but strangely entertained by the cowardice of the democratic presidential candidates (except Joe Biden, good for you Joe, Lord knows you need as much media exposure as you can get). I don't need to mention that the Republicans were on "left leaning" network debates already.

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