Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hilarious commercial

You've probably seen it before, but it's funny every time I watch it.

Enjoy (it's short).

Not exactly up to standards

For a country that used to pride itself on being a master race, this is ironic.

Once again thanks Justin.

A biblical question

This might be sacrilegious. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is, but it's sort of funny and worth the read.

This story was sent in by a buddy of mine (thanks Justin).

UN sticking nose in others business

Big surprise, but the United Nations is now making it their business to attack British celebrities for doing drugs. IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE! There are long standing traditions of celebs from the UK doing drugs and...making great music (see: Keith Richards), being hot (see: Kate Moss), becoming really dirty and nasty (see: Amy Winehouse).

While drug use really repulses me, I say stay out of their lives UN. Leave people alone and let them destroy their lives if they want to. I certainly want to help, but only through private, not public means. There are plenty of organizations out there to help out those in need of drug rehab.

Speaking of more fun

A pretty good blog entry from Andrew Malcolm at the LA Times. He brings up the possiblity of a shared ticket between the two Democratic frontrunners...wouldn't that be interesting. And perhaps the worst thing to ever happen to the United States of America.

Finally, it's over

This was just long overdue. McCain's got it. Huckabee's out. More fun still left for the Democrats.


Okay, so I'm a big Detroit sports fan, you name the professional Detroit sports team, and I am a fan. So you will now enjoy this Detroit Pistons/Boston Celtics preview. Hey, they are the best teams in the East after all.