Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Young voters...DON'T EXIST!

This NYT blog really got me going. It starts off as a blog about Ann Coulter and Mrs. John Edwards and their tiff on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris "the blatantly biased" Matthews. It continues on as a commentary on how the youth in the USA will vote come election time. I'll tell you right now how they're going to vote...IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE THEY DON'T VOTE.

It is the reason why the environment, Social Security and other issues that will effect young people haven't been important in any election (the only reason the environment is "important" now is because of Albert). Young people do not vote. Let me repeat...young people do not vote. I vote, but I'm the exception to the rule. Old people vote, that's why the AARP is so powerful as a lobbying group.

You and those like you might be wondering why young people don't vote, I'll tell you why not...young people are apathetic and they don't care about politics. They like to pretend they are interested in politics, but only to try to show they're smart. They are not.

Big Brother is definitely watching you

The CIA has just released documents outlining some of the stuff that you always thought they did, but didn't know for sure. These recently unclassified docs describe assassination plots, LSD trials and other assorted clandestine goings on.

Michael Moore is fat

Michael Moore needs universal health care so he can afford all of the trips to the doctor due to his obesity. This is a fantastic piece by Amy Menefee of the Business and Media Institute.

Giuliani plays to his strengths

I'm not sold on any candidate yet as far as the presidential nominations go. It has been interesting to see all of the candidates play to their different strengths though. Rudy's strength of course is his leadership and resolve against terrorism. Here's a story about Rudy taking on Clinton's handling of the '93 bombing of the WTC.

Tony Blair, a great Briton

Blair's time as British PM is over. It is indeed a sad day because he was a strong leader for the UK and a great ally for the USA. Here's a good NYT story about his departure.