Thursday, July 26, 2007

Obama vs. Clinton: The battle begins

Well it was bound to happen sometime and we'll see if it actually continues, but Obama has taken some swings at Hillary Clinton about her view on diplomatic relations with "Axis of Evil" countries.

Who would win in a street fight between Hillary and Barack? Whew...that's a tough one...if you have an opinion post it on the comments board.

Is that an appropriate subject to discuss about two US Senators...probably not, but it's fun to think about.

Ford, where "Quality is Job 1"

Does anybody remember that slogan Ford had in the 80s? Well I do and I always thought it was a good slogan. But that really has nothing to do with this news story. Ford Motor Company after 2 straight years of profit losses has turned a profit in 2Q.

Even though North American sales for the company still lag, I'm glad that an important American company is making some money again. Hooray Capitalism!

Fidel or Raul...

Today Raul Castro, Fidel's younger brother is leading National Rebellion Day festivities in Cuba. This is not very noteworthy except for the fact that the last time that Fidel was seen in public was at the last commemoration of his attack on Santiago one year ago today.

Some have thought that Fidel's failing health and Raul's subsequent ascension to power might lead to a more open government and economy in Cuba. So far this has not been the case. I can only wonder what might have been had Cuba never become a communist country. Maybe the 51st state? We'll never know.

Tour de Drugs

Not the most clever headline, but appropriate nonetheless. The Tour de France has become a drug fueled race across the French countryside. Many European papers are even calling for this years race to be canceled. I don't really care since there are no Americans in the running and I didn't really care that much about the race anyway, but it's a shame that one of the great sporting events in the world has been tainted so badly.

No joy in Iraq

It seems as though there is no happiness allowed in Iraq. The insurgents have decided that they are going to keep Iraqis from enjoying their soccer team's victory in the Asia Cup.

Insurgents launched at least two attacks yesterday after the streets of Baghdad overflowed with overjoyed Iraqis celebrating their national team's win. The win, against South Korea put the Iraqi national team in the finals of the Asia Cup (against Saudi Arabia).

The attacks left around 50 people dead and over 100 injured. You know what boggles the mind is that it is their own Muslim brethren killing them. That isn't congruent with what Islam is supposed to stand for. So who are the "real" Muslims? The ones that kill or the ones that don't?