Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blog going dormant.

I cannot dedicate the amount of time I would like to this weblog. I tried to fit it into my day, but it didn't work out and I refuse to do it halfway, so I'm shutting down shop for a while.

Thanks for reading and check back every once in a while, who knows when I'll be back on.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lawyers cost money

This whole Britney Spears thing is insane. Read up on the latest on K-Fed and Brit. What a cute couple they once made.

Cheney's got humor

Just read for yourself.

I can't afford to drive anymore

Obviously gas prices are high and they're probably going to get higher. The economy is facing a correction and the housing market is in a slump. All of these things are true. However, I believe that one of the biggest problems we face today is not that we have these problems, but that we continue to harp on them. The media beats it into us everyday and the more we hear about it, the more we believe it and the more we believe it, the more it comes true.

Now I'm not saying this can be solved with some optimism, but I do think it could be less severe with some realism. The economy is going to ebb and flow, and we need to make sure we understand a correction in the market is something that is going to happen no matter what we do. So we have to plan.

Sad and pathetic

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer is in big trouble. Sad because this guy has a wife and kids and this whole thing is going to play out in the public eye. Pathetic because he spent the early part of his career busting criminals including prostitution rings. Hypocrisy will get you every time...especially in the Court of Public Opinion.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Still heroes

These guys just get rocketed into space at thousands of miles an hour strapped to a giant fuel tank. Not brave at all...nah, all in a days work for the US Astronauts. Godspeed.


Apparently the Southern Baptists are now saying He would save the environment because they're now saying their followers have a duty to stop global climate change. Have you noticed the name for "global climate change" has changed over the years. It used to be called "global warming" remember? Well, then we realized we were all freezing our butts off for the past few winters and so it became "climate change". Man is definitely polluting the Earth, are we causing it to warm or cool in any substantial way? No. And NO ONE has incontrovertible evidence to either side. But I say while we're doing all of this research on it, let's scare the crap out of everyone and cause the world to spend more money and time on trying to solve a problem that probably doesn't exist instead of maybe, I don't know, curing cancer or establishing science in the pursuit of a cheap and sustainable energy source. That would make too much sense though.

Surviors' stairway

I didn't even know this thing existed, but it seems like a great piece of the history of what happened on September 11.

They're in a pickle

These two states are having some difficulties because they didn't follow the DNC's rules. Now there's a fight going on to see what delegates get seated, if any. A good editorial.

Feeling depressed?

Just take a drink of tap water. It's been talked about for a while, but federal researchers have now shown that different types of pharmaceuticals (anti-depressants, anti-convulsives, ibuprofen, naproxen and even cattle antibiotics) are all in our drinking water. Or at least in the water in and around D.C. has that stuff in it. I'm betting there's junk in your water too. Scientists say the amounts ingested are not enough to affect you in the short time, but they don't know the long term effects. I have to worry about the hormone infused meat I eat, the processed cheese...and the water I drink. There's a possibility my generation might turn out to be a bunch of mutated weirdos when we're older.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Sad news today about actor Patrick Swayze. He has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. If you haven't seen the movie "Roadhouse" you must...


Would this not be considered treasonous? I think so.

Times Square bombing

I'm wondering what organization did this. It will probably be an individual that comes out as the culprit, but I wonder who put him/her up to it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hilarious commercial

You've probably seen it before, but it's funny every time I watch it.

Enjoy (it's short).

Not exactly up to standards

For a country that used to pride itself on being a master race, this is ironic.

Once again thanks Justin.

A biblical question

This might be sacrilegious. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is, but it's sort of funny and worth the read.

This story was sent in by a buddy of mine (thanks Justin).

UN sticking nose in others business

Big surprise, but the United Nations is now making it their business to attack British celebrities for doing drugs. IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE! There are long standing traditions of celebs from the UK doing drugs and...making great music (see: Keith Richards), being hot (see: Kate Moss), becoming really dirty and nasty (see: Amy Winehouse).

While drug use really repulses me, I say stay out of their lives UN. Leave people alone and let them destroy their lives if they want to. I certainly want to help, but only through private, not public means. There are plenty of organizations out there to help out those in need of drug rehab.

Speaking of more fun

A pretty good blog entry from Andrew Malcolm at the LA Times. He brings up the possiblity of a shared ticket between the two Democratic frontrunners...wouldn't that be interesting. And perhaps the worst thing to ever happen to the United States of America.

Finally, it's over

This was just long overdue. McCain's got it. Huckabee's out. More fun still left for the Democrats.


Okay, so I'm a big Detroit sports fan, you name the professional Detroit sports team, and I am a fan. So you will now enjoy this Detroit Pistons/Boston Celtics preview. Hey, they are the best teams in the East after all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Kids are fat and that is bad

Captain Obvious is here to tell you why. Kids today watch too much TV and play too many computer/video games. Man oh man, do we really need to do studies to figure this stuff out?

However, it is interesting how they did the study. So it's worth reading the article.

Herrrreeee's Johnny!

Jack Nicholson making his case for Hillary. I saw the video yesterday. Not that impressed, and I know it won't help, but at least it's sort of clever.

If this is real...

It's completely horrible. If it's fake, it's completely stupid. Just read the story.

At least they're trying

This is a good sign. The fact that a Palestinian leader is calling for a cease-fire is a step in the right direction. We'll see if it's followed up in good-faith by both sides. That has always been the question over there. One side won't put down their arms until the other does...and neither is willing to do so.

The end of an era

Brett Farve is done. He will be missed. And he will be remembered as one of the All-time greats of the game.'s up to Peyton Manning to beat his consecutive starts record!

To run or to quit

I think Hillary should stay in. Here are some interesting poll numbers concerning public opinion on the subject.

I have a very convoluted theory behind it, but the short of it is that I believe that Senator Clinton is a more realistic person than Barack Obama. And I fear that if a Democrat wins, the country would be better served with someone who has more experience in the public sector as well.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A situation in S. America

Hugo Chavez loves the spotlight...especially when it comes to shouting down the USA for something or another. We shall wait and see what comes of this.

Turmoil in Somalia

After taking time to learn more about the continent of Africa over the past year, I better understand the problems that are going on there. Al Qaeda does not help the situation and they need to be removed. Although, it doesn't seem as though the US hit the target on this one.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Ouch, one and a half stars

There was a time when people my age anxiously awaited every film that Will Farrell put out. Now I can't keep up with all of the sport themed movies he has made. It seems he might have lost some of his luster in this one. However, I will say, even a "bad" Will Farrell movie is better than many other comedies.

He did what!?

Remember yesterday when I said no one cares that Bloomberg is not going to run for president? Yeah well you care less about this story.

Ugh...I drive way too much for this

This can't go on forever...

can it?

Conservatives biggest fear

Is that John McCain was telling the truth here. I think it was an honest mistake, but it was pretty funny.

Can you say rigged?

What a complete joke. The Russians are starting to scare me...check that...they continue to scare me. I heard one theory that the Russian people put up with the political corruption because they actually like the idea of having a strong ruler with near absolute power. If that's true, are we in for another Cold War? Who will be on Russia's side on this one now that Communism is (for all intents and purposes) dead?

What a shame

This story speaks for itself. A guy who gasses thousands of his own the scum of the earth.

Prince Harry = Bada**

Sorry, but this guy is hard. When you think of princes you think of prissy type guys right? Not Prince Harry of England. He's third in line for the throne and he puts his life on the line in Afghanistan. That takes some cojones.

As far as any debate as to whether it was right or wrong to embargo the story of him being over there...I think the media actually acted in a responsible manner here. I'm glad they didn't run the story. I'm glad he got a chance to do what he had been trained to do. I have so much respect for those who serve their countries honorably. Prince Henry is now added to that list.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Call me paranoid but...

I really don't like all of the vaccinations and shots that the government and doctors are recommending for young kids. I don't even like taking OTC medicine when I'm sick. But the whole injecting viruses into kids at a young age thing is not appealing to me. The government is now highly recommending that kids aged 6 months to 18 years get flu shots every year. I never get my flu shot and yeah, sometimes I get the flu. I'm just glad the government hasn't started mandating flu shots. That's when we know something is really wrong. I don't like the government mandating anything dealing with my body.

He calls them "The Final Days"

Howard Kurtz, a columnist for the Washington Post, says it's almost over for Hillary Clinton. An entertaining column that spans liberal and conservative viewpoints.

Securing border costs $$$...duh

Did anyone think securing the southern border of the USA would be cheap or free? My guess is no. Now our government is saying it might be really expensive to secure the border properly. Yeah, it probably will be expensive and your point is? It can cost us billions and billions and the American people will not care. They want the border secured, bottom line.

If you're a conservative...

You admired William F. Buckley Jr...If you aren't a conservative you should have admired William F. Buckley Jr. if for no other reason than he was incredibly bright and he was not mean spirited like so many on the left tend to brand right leaning people. As President Bush said, "America has lost one of its finest writers and thinkers".

Bloomberg is out

Michael Bloomberg isn't running for president...does anyone care? I don't.