Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Virtual world for real nerds

Sorry if I just offended you, but I just heard about this website today called Second Life. This website allows you to "live" a second life in a virtual world. You can buy and sell things (with real money) and do pretty much whatever you want. You create your own character, so if you're a skinny loser, you can create a character that is buff and cool. You get the idea.

I'm just thinking that this is certainly a long way from Atari. Check it out for yourself. People are actually making money in this virtual world. It sort of blows your mind.

Professor no more

Professor Ward Churchill has been fired from the University of Colorado...and thank goodness. This guy is not the guy that you want teaching your children. He has in the past written about some pretty awful things including comparing the men and women who died on September 11, 2001 to a Nazi leader (calling them "little Eichmanns"). Man this guy is a class act.

This guy was a tenured professor and therefore almost impossible to fire, but Colorado found a way to do it. They charged the prof with plagiarism and research misconduct. Now he has vowed to fight back. Hooray! This guy has a psychological need to fight the establishment, so I'm sure we'll continue to see him in some capacity in the future. I'm just hoping he never returns to teaching and that eventually he'll become even more irrelevant than he already is.

I'm not going to comment on this...

So here's a link, you can think what you want. This person needs help. Oops, that's a comment...

Weirdos on the Internet? Nah... is guaranteed that there are going to be complete weirdos, perverts, psychos and nutjobs on the Internet. It didn't take the North Carolina Attorney General to point this out.

While I am not in favor of these types of people, I am also not in favor of trying to regulate what people and how people use the Internet. The Internet remains one of the few (maybe the only) place that people truly have free speech. What it really comes down to is that PARENTS need to keep an eye on what their kids are doing on the Web. And that whole issue is for a different day.