Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lawyers cost money

This whole Britney Spears thing is insane. Read up on the latest on K-Fed and Brit. What a cute couple they once made.

Cheney's got humor

Just read for yourself.

I can't afford to drive anymore

Obviously gas prices are high and they're probably going to get higher. The economy is facing a correction and the housing market is in a slump. All of these things are true. However, I believe that one of the biggest problems we face today is not that we have these problems, but that we continue to harp on them. The media beats it into us everyday and the more we hear about it, the more we believe it and the more we believe it, the more it comes true.

Now I'm not saying this can be solved with some optimism, but I do think it could be less severe with some realism. The economy is going to ebb and flow, and we need to make sure we understand a correction in the market is something that is going to happen no matter what we do. So we have to plan.

Sad and pathetic

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer is in big trouble. Sad because this guy has a wife and kids and this whole thing is going to play out in the public eye. Pathetic because he spent the early part of his career busting criminals including prostitution rings. Hypocrisy will get you every time...especially in the Court of Public Opinion.