Monday, June 25, 2007

Faith based charity

President Bush was very gung-ho on starting his faith-based initiatives when he came into office. The Supreme Court just blocked a case from a group that wanted to challenge the constitutionality of giving federal money to faith-based organizations. This is an example of the government doing something for the greater good of the people and not giving in to political correctness. There is no doubt that faith-based charities like churches and religious community groups give a ton of support to those in need here in the USA.

I agree that giving federal money to faith-based organizations is a good thing, but I still don't believe that the government should really be doling out money to charities. You might think that is insensitive of me, but you would be wrong. America is the most charitable country in the entire world (see Arthur Brooks', Who Really Cares) and we don't really need the government giving out money. Americans want to give. You and those like you enjoy giving of our time and our money. It is inherent in our nature. That is what is truly great about this country. We are able to work for what we earn and when we earn it, we remember where we came from and give back to those that are less fortunate. It's the sort of stuff that gives me goosebumps. Americans at their very best.

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