Thursday, August 9, 2007

Obama causing international crisis?

President Musharraf of Pakistan has pondered whether or not to issue a state of emergency for his country due to danger foreign and domestic. Partly due to Barack Obama's statements made a week or so ago. It doesn't look like he will, but he's certainly under a lot of pressure right now.

An interesting editorial details possible issues related to Obama's comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Barack Obama is looking for a political edge, this is not a good way to do it. However, I do not believe it's fair for the political right to jump on him for this. The Bush Administration has, to this point, held a strong policy for the War On Terror. We all know that President Bush intends to find and defeat any terrorist cells that may harm us from over seas. To me, it looks as though Obama intends to do the same. Although he does not have any legitimate foreign policy experience, he can surround himself with people who do. Much like the Bush administration. Lastly, it is important to mention that we are now bringing home more troops. The American public will not have the energy to have any president re-disburse them again any time soon.