Monday, July 2, 2007

Terrorism does exist...IDIOTS

If you were completely comatose this weekend, you didn't find out about the attempted and successful terror attacks in the UK. Well there were attempted and successful terror attacks in the UK. We're finding out more about the attacks every hour and it seems as though police were close to getting these guys before they executed the attack.

Hopefully these attacks serve as a reminder to those here in the USA that seem to forget that we are AT WAR! Look I understand that sometimes it's hard to realize that we are at war because things here at home are pretty good. It's not like the victory garden, war bond, make serious sacrifices days of WWII. Nowadays, everyone is content and we don't really have to make any sacrifices if we don't want to. That's because our brave servicemen and women who volunteered to be over there are sacrificing for us.

I unfortunately wait for the day we are hit again by the wacko extremists and we are once again thrown into the reality of the world we live in today. I know that you and those like you understand the situation and the sacrifices that have to be made...I challenge you to make sure that others understand as well.

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