Monday, July 30, 2007

Tax poor to help poor

That is the theory that many liberals believe and it doesn't make much sense, but it is something that occurs more often than you think everyday. The Democratic Congress is trying to get a new expansion of Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This is a program that helps to get children health care for little or no money. This is a good principle.

The problem is that they are trying to expand the program with money from tobacco taxes. Umm...guess who smokes people or poor people? You guessed it, poor people smoke more than rich people. So guess what, that health insurance is being paid for by the poor people for their own kids that they couldn't afford to insure in the first place. Sound convoluted? It is. But this is how our government works. It's all about ideals and helping people (and in turn getting re-elected), but never about what the effect of the government "help" will be.

Our politicians seem to lose all sense of logic when they reach their offices. Maybe all of the "global warming" scientists should start to study that phenomenon...

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