Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Bidding adieu to Adu
I'm probably not the first nor will I be the last to use that headline, but it's clever and I made it up, so I'm unapologetic about it. Freddy Adu, the US soccer phenom will be heading to Portugal to play for Benfica. I say good for him. I hope he gets a lot better there and is soon able to help the USMNT in a quest for the World Cup. It is somewhat of a loss for MLS, but honestly with Beckham here they have sort of traded talent with Europe.
An end to pork and special interests?
Well probably not, but I guess it's a step in the right direction. The US Senate is mulling over a bill to make what they call "earmarks" (a euphemism for what used to be called "pork-barrel" spending) a little bit more difficult to pass. There are some serious deficiencies in the bill including giving oversight to the majority leadership rather than the Senate Parliamentarian. We shall see how this ends up.
As the WSJ aptly points out, it will be hard for Republicans who are dissatisfied with the content of the bill to vote against something called the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act".
As the WSJ aptly points out, it will be hard for Republicans who are dissatisfied with the content of the bill to vote against something called the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act".
USA-GB, still friends
As I wrote yesterday, the Bush-Brown meetings at Camp David went well and it seems as though the good relationship between Great Britain and the USA continues. This is good news for both countries as well as the world.
News Corp finally gets DJ
The Bancroft family has apparently finally accepted Rupert Murdoch's $5 billion offer to buy Dow Jones. Personally I'm glad, because I was tired of hearing the family bellyache about how they weren't sure if they wanted News Corp to own the WSJ. I can see why they would be apprehensive, but if they didn't want to sell it they shouldn't have put it on the market.
American oil
Marathon Oil is buying a Canadian oil company for $5.5 billion.
I don't know how significant this is, but it's good that American oil is acquiring more rights to oil across the world.
I don't know how significant this is, but it's good that American oil is acquiring more rights to oil across the world.
US House getting a lot done
The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution demanding that Japan apologize for their part in creating a wartime sex slave ring during WWII. This is just another good example of what our Congress is doing for us.
This is a joke. As revolting as a sex slave ring is, the US Congress should not be demanding apologies from allies for things that happened over 50 years ago. I also find it interesting that our Congress is spending time dealing with the really important domestic issues of the day.
This is a joke. As revolting as a sex slave ring is, the US Congress should not be demanding apologies from allies for things that happened over 50 years ago. I also find it interesting that our Congress is spending time dealing with the really important domestic issues of the day.
Another health tip
A new "study" at Rutgers University has determined that in mice the combination of voluntary exercise and caffeine can help prevent...you guessed it...skin cancer.
This is just another in a long line of "studies" that prove nothing. Except this one explains that coffee is good for preventing skin cancer...and there's probably twenty other "studies" that claim that coffee causes cancer. So it's really not very conclusive. I chalk this one up there with the milk is bad for you "study".
This is just another in a long line of "studies" that prove nothing. Except this one explains that coffee is good for preventing skin cancer...and there's probably twenty other "studies" that claim that coffee causes cancer. So it's really not very conclusive. I chalk this one up there with the milk is bad for you "study".
Monday, July 30, 2007
A NYT editorial you have to read
This might be one of the most important editorials written in the New York Times this year.
You should read it in it's entirety. And you should note that the authors of this editorial are both from the Brookings Institution...a liberal think tank.
You should read it in it's entirety. And you should note that the authors of this editorial are both from the Brookings Institution...a liberal think tank.
Tax poor to help poor
That is the theory that many liberals believe and it doesn't make much sense, but it is something that occurs more often than you think everyday. The Democratic Congress is trying to get a new expansion of Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This is a program that helps to get children health care for little or no money. This is a good thing...in principle.
The problem is that they are trying to expand the program with money from tobacco taxes. Umm...guess who smokes more...rich people or poor people? You guessed it, poor people smoke more than rich people. So guess what, that health insurance is being paid for by the poor people for their own kids that they couldn't afford to insure in the first place. Sound convoluted? It is. But this is how our government works. It's all about ideals and helping people (and in turn getting re-elected), but never about what the effect of the government "help" will be.
Our politicians seem to lose all sense of logic when they reach their offices. Maybe all of the "global warming" scientists should start to study that phenomenon...
The problem is that they are trying to expand the program with money from tobacco taxes. Umm...guess who smokes more...rich people or poor people? You guessed it, poor people smoke more than rich people. So guess what, that health insurance is being paid for by the poor people for their own kids that they couldn't afford to insure in the first place. Sound convoluted? It is. But this is how our government works. It's all about ideals and helping people (and in turn getting re-elected), but never about what the effect of the government "help" will be.
Our politicians seem to lose all sense of logic when they reach their offices. Maybe all of the "global warming" scientists should start to study that phenomenon...
Global warming causes hurricanes
The "scientific community" continues to engage in "studies" that focus on "global warming" which they are now calling "climate change". This time a new study says that "global warming" is causing all of the hurricanes in recent years.
What they don't tell you is that hurricanes have increased in number and power over the past 100 years. I just cannot buy into the whole "global climate change" thing. As far as I'm concerned the Earth is doing what it wants no matter what we think or do. In other words my SUV isn't having a bit of difference on whether or not a hurricane hits the eastern seaboard or not.
What they don't tell you is that hurricanes have increased in number and power over the past 100 years. I just cannot buy into the whole "global climate change" thing. As far as I'm concerned the Earth is doing what it wants no matter what we think or do. In other words my SUV isn't having a bit of difference on whether or not a hurricane hits the eastern seaboard or not.
You Tube Debates...good or bad?
There has been a lot of talk about the YouTube debates that CNN is putting on for the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates.
Some people say the irreverence of having normal people asking questions as opposed to journalists infused the debate with a new energy and entertained the public. They claim that the more people that are entertained the more people will watch. Point taken...
On the other hand, the argument is that it is beneath the office of President of the USA answering questions from a snowman (as they did during the Dem. debate for a question about global warming).
So now the Republican candidates are reluctant to do the YouTube debate and as far as I'm concerned it is for good reason. I believe it is below the office to answer questions like that. However, I also believe that the idea behind the YouTube debate is a good thing. The candidates should be subjected to questions from the normal people in this country. Most of these men...and women have been insulated from the "real world" for so long they have no idea what is important to the American public. That is why they declare their own agendas like Al Gore did with global warming and John Edwards is trying to with poverty.
As much as I care about taking care of poor people who need our help, sorry, that is not at the top of priorities list. I care more about illegal immigration, the war, Social Security reform, tax reform and a slew of other things that the current politicians won't touch with a ten foot pole due to special interests and lobbyists and the like. I'm getting pretty tired of the inaction and ignorance of the US government.
Some people say the irreverence of having normal people asking questions as opposed to journalists infused the debate with a new energy and entertained the public. They claim that the more people that are entertained the more people will watch. Point taken...
On the other hand, the argument is that it is beneath the office of President of the USA answering questions from a snowman (as they did during the Dem. debate for a question about global warming).
So now the Republican candidates are reluctant to do the YouTube debate and as far as I'm concerned it is for good reason. I believe it is below the office to answer questions like that. However, I also believe that the idea behind the YouTube debate is a good thing. The candidates should be subjected to questions from the normal people in this country. Most of these men...and women have been insulated from the "real world" for so long they have no idea what is important to the American public. That is why they declare their own agendas like Al Gore did with global warming and John Edwards is trying to with poverty.
As much as I care about taking care of poor people who need our help, sorry, that is not at the top of priorities list. I care more about illegal immigration, the war, Social Security reform, tax reform and a slew of other things that the current politicians won't touch with a ten foot pole due to special interests and lobbyists and the like. I'm getting pretty tired of the inaction and ignorance of the US government.
Bush and Brown, new allies
This weekend, the PM of Great Britain visited G-Dubs at Camp David. They spoke about many things and seemed to be getting along well. They are continuing the meeting today. In fact according to the Forbes article I linked to they are going to be having cheeseburgers and fries for lunch in an hour or so.
I am curious to see what comes of the new relationship between the USA and GB that has so often been defined by the leaders of the two countries.
I am curious to see what comes of the new relationship between the USA and GB that has so often been defined by the leaders of the two countries.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Obama vs. Clinton: The battle begins
Well it was bound to happen sometime and we'll see if it actually continues, but Obama has taken some swings at Hillary Clinton about her view on diplomatic relations with "Axis of Evil" countries.
Who would win in a street fight between Hillary and Barack? Whew...that's a tough one...if you have an opinion post it on the comments board.
Is that an appropriate subject to discuss about two US Senators...probably not, but it's fun to think about.
Who would win in a street fight between Hillary and Barack? Whew...that's a tough one...if you have an opinion post it on the comments board.
Is that an appropriate subject to discuss about two US Senators...probably not, but it's fun to think about.
Ford, where "Quality is Job 1"
Does anybody remember that slogan Ford had in the 80s? Well I do and I always thought it was a good slogan. But that really has nothing to do with this news story. Ford Motor Company after 2 straight years of profit losses has turned a profit in 2Q.
Even though North American sales for the company still lag, I'm glad that an important American company is making some money again. Hooray Capitalism!
Even though North American sales for the company still lag, I'm glad that an important American company is making some money again. Hooray Capitalism!
Fidel or Raul...
Today Raul Castro, Fidel's younger brother is leading National Rebellion Day festivities in Cuba. This is not very noteworthy except for the fact that the last time that Fidel was seen in public was at the last commemoration of his attack on Santiago one year ago today.
Some have thought that Fidel's failing health and Raul's subsequent ascension to power might lead to a more open government and economy in Cuba. So far this has not been the case. I can only wonder what might have been had Cuba never become a communist country. Maybe the 51st state? We'll never know.
Some have thought that Fidel's failing health and Raul's subsequent ascension to power might lead to a more open government and economy in Cuba. So far this has not been the case. I can only wonder what might have been had Cuba never become a communist country. Maybe the 51st state? We'll never know.
Tour de Drugs
Not the most clever headline, but appropriate nonetheless. The Tour de France has become a drug fueled race across the French countryside. Many European papers are even calling for this years race to be canceled. I don't really care since there are no Americans in the running and I didn't really care that much about the race anyway, but it's a shame that one of the great sporting events in the world has been tainted so badly.
No joy in Iraq
It seems as though there is no happiness allowed in Iraq. The insurgents have decided that they are going to keep Iraqis from enjoying their soccer team's victory in the Asia Cup.
Insurgents launched at least two attacks yesterday after the streets of Baghdad overflowed with overjoyed Iraqis celebrating their national team's win. The win, against South Korea put the Iraqi national team in the finals of the Asia Cup (against Saudi Arabia).
The attacks left around 50 people dead and over 100 injured. You know what boggles the mind is that it is their own Muslim brethren killing them. That isn't congruent with what Islam is supposed to stand for. So who are the "real" Muslims? The ones that kill or the ones that don't?
Insurgents launched at least two attacks yesterday after the streets of Baghdad overflowed with overjoyed Iraqis celebrating their national team's win. The win, against South Korea put the Iraqi national team in the finals of the Asia Cup (against Saudi Arabia).
The attacks left around 50 people dead and over 100 injured. You know what boggles the mind is that it is their own Muslim brethren killing them. That isn't congruent with what Islam is supposed to stand for. So who are the "real" Muslims? The ones that kill or the ones that don't?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Virtual world for real nerds
Sorry if I just offended you, but I just heard about this website today called Second Life. This website allows you to "live" a second life in a virtual world. You can buy and sell things (with real money) and do pretty much whatever you want. You create your own character, so if you're a skinny loser, you can create a character that is buff and cool. You get the idea.
I'm just thinking that this is certainly a long way from Atari. Check it out for yourself. People are actually making money in this virtual world. It sort of blows your mind.
I'm just thinking that this is certainly a long way from Atari. Check it out for yourself. People are actually making money in this virtual world. It sort of blows your mind.
Professor no more
Professor Ward Churchill has been fired from the University of Colorado...and thank goodness. This guy is not the guy that you want teaching your children. He has in the past written about some pretty awful things including comparing the men and women who died on September 11, 2001 to a Nazi leader (calling them "little Eichmanns"). Man this guy is a class act.
This guy was a tenured professor and therefore almost impossible to fire, but Colorado found a way to do it. They charged the prof with plagiarism and research misconduct. Now he has vowed to fight back. Hooray! This guy has a psychological need to fight the establishment, so I'm sure we'll continue to see him in some capacity in the future. I'm just hoping he never returns to teaching and that eventually he'll become even more irrelevant than he already is.
This guy was a tenured professor and therefore almost impossible to fire, but Colorado found a way to do it. They charged the prof with plagiarism and research misconduct. Now he has vowed to fight back. Hooray! This guy has a psychological need to fight the establishment, so I'm sure we'll continue to see him in some capacity in the future. I'm just hoping he never returns to teaching and that eventually he'll become even more irrelevant than he already is.
I'm not going to comment on this...
So here's a link, you can think what you want. This person needs help. Oops, that's a comment...
Weirdos on the Internet? Nah...
Umm...it is guaranteed that there are going to be complete weirdos, perverts, psychos and nutjobs on the Internet. It didn't take the North Carolina Attorney General to point this out.
While I am not in favor of these types of people, I am also not in favor of trying to regulate what people and how people use the Internet. The Internet remains one of the few (maybe the only) place that people truly have free speech. What it really comes down to is that PARENTS need to keep an eye on what their kids are doing on the Web. And that whole issue is for a different day.
While I am not in favor of these types of people, I am also not in favor of trying to regulate what people and how people use the Internet. The Internet remains one of the few (maybe the only) place that people truly have free speech. What it really comes down to is that PARENTS need to keep an eye on what their kids are doing on the Web. And that whole issue is for a different day.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Chavez kicking out foreign critics
Well I guess that's better than what he does to domestic critics. "President" Hugo Chavez has decided that if you are a foreigner in his country and you are being "outspoken" in your criticism of his country you will be deported. Well I'm glad he is tolerant of other people's opinions.
This guy is a joke and a serious problem for his country. I find it humorous that dictators in the 21st Century do not act like old time dictators. They act like they're being democratic and sensitive to the needs of their citizens. It makes you question that if being democratic makes the citizenry happy, why not just be democratic? Well that would make entirely too much sense for these power hungry whack-jobs.
This guy is a joke and a serious problem for his country. I find it humorous that dictators in the 21st Century do not act like old time dictators. They act like they're being democratic and sensitive to the needs of their citizens. It makes you question that if being democratic makes the citizenry happy, why not just be democratic? Well that would make entirely too much sense for these power hungry whack-jobs.
Kosovo's long journey
This is probably a story you won't hear about today on the news. Kosovo is fighting (diplomatically) for their independence. You might remember the whole war over there or you might not, but this is an important step for another former Eastern Bloc country. The USA firmly supports the move for independence, but the UN is in control here. We shall see where this goes.
Democrats will not give up
Russ Feingold (D, WI) has decided he wants to censure President Bush again (he tried last year and got 3 Dems to support him).
Congress is becoming quite a dog and pony show. First, they keep everyone overnight debating the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Now, they are proposing a censure resolution during wartime.
I know you and those like you know that is this horribly counterproductive for the country, the war effort and general morale of the voting public. But who are we to argue; we're just lowly citizens. I'm getting really tired of politicians thinking they're more intelligent and have a better moral compass than the American public.
Congress is becoming quite a dog and pony show. First, they keep everyone overnight debating the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Now, they are proposing a censure resolution during wartime.
I know you and those like you know that is this horribly counterproductive for the country, the war effort and general morale of the voting public. But who are we to argue; we're just lowly citizens. I'm getting really tired of politicians thinking they're more intelligent and have a better moral compass than the American public.
Privacy and the Internet
Privacy on the Internet might have just gotten a boost. Microsoft and Ask.com are teaming up to try to increase privacy when it comes to what you are searching for on their search engines.
This is a good thing and a step in the right direction, but we will see how much of a change this will actually bring. I think one of the big problems is that the Internet hackers and such are light years ahead of the ISPs and other Internet corporations.
This is a good thing and a step in the right direction, but we will see how much of a change this will actually bring. I think one of the big problems is that the Internet hackers and such are light years ahead of the ISPs and other Internet corporations.
Heavenly hot dogs
So while I was thinking about hot dogs, I thought about some of my favorite hot dogs of all time. I will list them (in no particular order). None of these are tainted by botulism.
Netty's Chili Dog - Toledo, OH
These dogs are just boiled and topped with chili, cheese, onions and grease. And oh do they taste so good. And they're cheap. Netty's also has great ice cream products.
Tony Packo's Cafe - Toledo, OH
These dogs are not only scrumptious, but they are world famous (watch the TV show MASH). If you're ever in Toledo, you must go to Packo's. I suggest the original store on Front Street on the East Side. As long as you're there you might as well get some extra pickles and peppers as well as some fried pickles and some chili-mac (a Toledo favorite).
Any "True" Chicago style hot dog - Chicago, IL and the World
If you have not had a "true" Chicago style hot dog, you must indulge in one immediately. It is a meal in itself and boy does it taste good. The link above is a really great resource about Chicago style dogs.
Yes, all of my favorite hot dogs are from the Midwest. That's because we know how to make a good dog.
Netty's Chili Dog - Toledo, OH

These dogs are just boiled and topped with chili, cheese, onions and grease. And oh do they taste so good. And they're cheap. Netty's also has great ice cream products.
Tony Packo's Cafe - Toledo, OH


If you have not had a "true" Chicago style hot dog, you must indulge in one immediately. It is a meal in itself and boy does it taste good. The link above is a really great resource about Chicago style dogs.
Yes, all of my favorite hot dogs are from the Midwest. That's because we know how to make a good dog.
Hellish hot dogs
So I was reading stories this morning and I saw this story about the hot dog chili laced with botulism. If you read down at the bottom of the story it lists all of the brands of hot dog chili that are recalled...then it gives the name of dog food that is also involved in the recall. Does that make you think about the quality of hot dog chili meat?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
So I got curious about ol' Potter
I don't read the books, but I've seen the movies and while I am not first in line at the movie theater I have enjoyed them on DVD in the comfort of my home. But admittedly I am curious as to see who dies in the new Harry Potter book. Apparently a lot of other people are too, because there are copies of "Deathly Hallows" being sold on eBay for $1000. You might be wondering why these books exist before the official "publication date". Well an online bookseller accidentally sent out copies of the book to people who pre-ordered them. Oops...now Scholastic Inc. is going to sue you. That sucks.
So being the great blogger that I am, I decided to seek out the truth from my fellow bloggers. Now, there is a great chance that this person is wrong, but it seemed like a plausible ending so, here it is (Spoiler alert). Or you could just wait until July 21.
So being the great blogger that I am, I decided to seek out the truth from my fellow bloggers. Now, there is a great chance that this person is wrong, but it seemed like a plausible ending so, here it is (Spoiler alert). Or you could just wait until July 21.
Pakistan and Iraq parallel
There are some interesting parallels developing between Iraq and Pakistan.
In Iraq, the tribal leaders and their followers are beginning to turn against components of al Qaeda and joining up with the US military to toss out the foreign fighters who have no respect for the tribal traditions and lands.
In Pakistan, it hasn't reached that point yet, but with the recent attacks on Pakistani civilians by radical Islamist wackos I have a feeling that if the senseless killing continues the Pakistanis are going to start getting pretty upset with the terrorists' way of doing things.
It actually excites me that people are starting to get downright tired of the way that terrorists go about executing "political change". We can only hope that this is the beginning of a trend that will slowly change the way people think of terrorism in the Middle East.
I'm not holding my breath.
In Iraq, the tribal leaders and their followers are beginning to turn against components of al Qaeda and joining up with the US military to toss out the foreign fighters who have no respect for the tribal traditions and lands.
In Pakistan, it hasn't reached that point yet, but with the recent attacks on Pakistani civilians by radical Islamist wackos I have a feeling that if the senseless killing continues the Pakistanis are going to start getting pretty upset with the terrorists' way of doing things.
It actually excites me that people are starting to get downright tired of the way that terrorists go about executing "political change". We can only hope that this is the beginning of a trend that will slowly change the way people think of terrorism in the Middle East.
I'm not holding my breath.
Hatfields and McCoys...Iraq style
Okay so maybe that headline trivializes a situation that is a little more important than the old Hatfield/McCoy feud, but it does suit what is going on in Iraq right now. HOWEVER...there is good news on the Shi'ite/Sunni front. This week the Sunni Bloc in the Iraqi Parliament has returned to work after their boycott of the Shi'ite majority government.
The Accordance Front, as the Sunni group is called, is the largest Sunni group in the parliament and their return to the parliament is a step in the right direction. We will see if the Iraqi government can get some of the important legislation passed so that their country will have some stability that it so desperately needs. Besides that, it will certainly help the war effort here in the USA.
The Accordance Front, as the Sunni group is called, is the largest Sunni group in the parliament and their return to the parliament is a step in the right direction. We will see if the Iraqi government can get some of the important legislation passed so that their country will have some stability that it so desperately needs. Besides that, it will certainly help the war effort here in the USA.
Tony Blair gets a new job
This week marks the beginning of Tony Blair's official duties as a "special envoy" to the Middle East. I don't know exactly what the difference between a "special envoy" and a "regular envoy" is, but apparently Blair is the "special" type.
Personally I'm glad that Blair is continuing in public service. I think he's a stand up guy and he can be a tough S.O.B. when it comes to the tough decisions. We need more people who will do what is right no matter what the consequences...people like like Tony Blair.
Personally I'm glad that Blair is continuing in public service. I think he's a stand up guy and he can be a tough S.O.B. when it comes to the tough decisions. We need more people who will do what is right no matter what the consequences...people like like Tony Blair.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Legislating defeat
The Democrats continue to attempt to legislate defeat in the Iraq War.
I won't get too animated here, but this is enough of this trash. I am so tired of Congress politicizing this war. When September comes around and General Petraeus' report is given I will then allow some conversation about the war, but until then, give the military the respect they deserve and shut up. You're not over there, you're not in danger and you don't know what you're talking about.
I won't get too animated here, but this is enough of this trash. I am so tired of Congress politicizing this war. When September comes around and General Petraeus' report is given I will then allow some conversation about the war, but until then, give the military the respect they deserve and shut up. You're not over there, you're not in danger and you don't know what you're talking about.
Traffic problems in NYC
Mayor Bloomberg wants to start charging tolls for people who drive into Manhattan during peak hours. This is an effort to "reduce traffic and pollution".
Okay, reducing traffic I understand, reducing pollution by having tolls...I don't think so. What a joke. The best way to reduce traffic is to have safe, clean, efficient and available public transit. The best form of public transit are streetcars, but unfortunately it is now very difficult to rebuild the old systems that once weaved through every major city in the USA.
Okay, reducing traffic I understand, reducing pollution by having tolls...I don't think so. What a joke. The best way to reduce traffic is to have safe, clean, efficient and available public transit. The best form of public transit are streetcars, but unfortunately it is now very difficult to rebuild the old systems that once weaved through every major city in the USA.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Edwards plan to eliminate poor
John Edwards plan to eliminate poverty pretty much has to do with eliminating capitalism and creating more government programs to "help" people.
Millionaire Edwards understands the poor
Presidential candidate John Edwards is beginning a trek across the USA visiting cities that have a lot of poor people. It is his intention to bring attention to America's poor by traveling around and talking about it.
Now while I think that what he is doing is somewhat noble, I also realize he is hoping that it is also a shrewd political move. That along with the fact that he made millions of dollars as a trial lawyer sort of makes what he is doing slightly disingenuous.
Now while I think that what he is doing is somewhat noble, I also realize he is hoping that it is also a shrewd political move. That along with the fact that he made millions of dollars as a trial lawyer sort of makes what he is doing slightly disingenuous.
Money is the root of all...elections
It seems as though the media and the candidates care more about how much money the candidates are raising rather than what the candidates are saying. This is nothing new, but it is starting to get tiresome.
It is my humble opinion that the election season(s) are way too long (it no longer encompasses one season, but many). This election season(s) started so long ago that people are already tired of all of the candidates. I know I am. That's why I think that it is a great idea on Fred Thompson's part to hold out as long as he can before he officially joins the race. It is the current lack of media coverage that I think will eventually help him in the long run.
I am a big proponent of election reform and term limits because I believe that government has itself become its own entity rather than being an extension of the people. At this point the government exists for its own purpose rather than the purpose of the people.
It is my humble opinion that the election season(s) are way too long (it no longer encompasses one season, but many). This election season(s) started so long ago that people are already tired of all of the candidates. I know I am. That's why I think that it is a great idea on Fred Thompson's part to hold out as long as he can before he officially joins the race. It is the current lack of media coverage that I think will eventually help him in the long run.
I am a big proponent of election reform and term limits because I believe that government has itself become its own entity rather than being an extension of the people. At this point the government exists for its own purpose rather than the purpose of the people.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Prelim report on Iraq
I am somewhat dismayed today because it is a slow news day...well it's slow when it comes to things I want to post about. This is probably too important to not mention though.
President Bush gave a interim report about what is going on in Iraq with the troop surge. Bottom line...WE SHOULD NOT PULL OUT OF IRAQ! Is anyone else tired of hearing this crap? Actually you don't need to answer that, I know you are.
President Bush said that Americans have "war fatigue". That is not true. Americans have "media fatigue". Americans are tired of hearing about how we are failing in our mission every time we turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper.
Americans don't fail, we win and usually we win big. That is what we are accustomed to and that is what the plan should be in Iraq. Things are starting to go well and we need to stay the course so that we can win this war and create a positive force in the region. And if not for that reason, at least to keep the insane terrorists occupied over there instead of over here.
President Bush gave a interim report about what is going on in Iraq with the troop surge. Bottom line...WE SHOULD NOT PULL OUT OF IRAQ! Is anyone else tired of hearing this crap? Actually you don't need to answer that, I know you are.
President Bush said that Americans have "war fatigue". That is not true. Americans have "media fatigue". Americans are tired of hearing about how we are failing in our mission every time we turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper.
Americans don't fail, we win and usually we win big. That is what we are accustomed to and that is what the plan should be in Iraq. Things are starting to go well and we need to stay the course so that we can win this war and create a positive force in the region. And if not for that reason, at least to keep the insane terrorists occupied over there instead of over here.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Becks new leader of the Galaxy

David Beckham will be introduced as the LA Galaxy's newest acquisition this Friday. It is the biggest day in MLS history. I'm not the biggest MLS fan, I mean I want the league to succeed, but this is exciting for US soccer in general. It's gonna be fun to see what happens.
Oh yeah, he's also on the cover of this week's Sports Illustrated in the new LA Galaxy jersey (that was to be unveiled in conjunction with his arrival, that's how big this is, he warrants a complete in-season change of jersey). How cool is that.
Gut feeling leads to hysteria
Okay well not hysteria, but Michael Chertoff (Secy. Homeland Security) said that he has a "gut feeling" about the USA being attacked this summer. He said that the "summer seems appealing to them [the terrorists]." I don't know where he's getting his information, but if his gut is that good at predicting things I need to start bringing him to Vegas and we'll see how far we can get on his gut feelings at the sports book.
You and those like you must be wondering what our country is coming to when our head of Homeland Security is speaking about gut feelings. At the same time I'm sure that he is just covering his bases and he certainly didn't realize what a stir such a comment would make, but still not too bright of a thing to say.
You and those like you must be wondering what our country is coming to when our head of Homeland Security is speaking about gut feelings. At the same time I'm sure that he is just covering his bases and he certainly didn't realize what a stir such a comment would make, but still not too bright of a thing to say.
Tomatoes are good, but they don't cure cancer
I love tomatoes and I thought that they were supposed to keep me healthy and free from cancer due to their high levels of lycopene an antioxidant that is supposed to be useful in preventing cancer. Unfortunately, the FDA just released a new study saying that the lycopene/cancer prevention connection is not as strong as once believed.
I still love tomatoes though, however I am bummed they don't cure cancer.
I still love tomatoes though, however I am bummed they don't cure cancer.
Marine found to be innocent
This story makes me feel good because it shows that our Marines are not "murderers" as Representative John Murtha (D-PA) said last year. I am so tired of members of Congress denigrating our military and calling them murderers.
Our military men and women are the bravest men and women in the world and they are fighting everyday for our freedom. That is, not our freedom from another country, but our freedom to walk outside and go to work and take the bus without fear of being murdered by wacko extremists. Thank God for Marines.
Our military men and women are the bravest men and women in the world and they are fighting everyday for our freedom. That is, not our freedom from another country, but our freedom to walk outside and go to work and take the bus without fear of being murdered by wacko extremists. Thank God for Marines.
Don't smoke...because it costs too much
The federal government is adding another tax to cigarettes. This time it is 61 cents. This increases the total federal tax on cigarettes to $1. If you smoke regularly, I feel for you. You're addicted and the government literally banks on your addiction to pay for their new children's health program.
I do wonder when the cost of cigarettes will finally start having an effect on those that smoke. The average cost per pack right now is $4.54. At what price will the cost of cigarettes stop smokers from smoking? $8, $10, $15...more? It's an interesting question you and those like you might be wondering as well.
Then what happens to the government when they don't get the revenue from cigarette taxes anymore? What happens to the tobacco farmers? And the cigarette companies? That will be an interesting day.
I do wonder when the cost of cigarettes will finally start having an effect on those that smoke. The average cost per pack right now is $4.54. At what price will the cost of cigarettes stop smokers from smoking? $8, $10, $15...more? It's an interesting question you and those like you might be wondering as well.
Then what happens to the government when they don't get the revenue from cigarette taxes anymore? What happens to the tobacco farmers? And the cigarette companies? That will be an interesting day.
AFRICOM gets a commander
Today President Bush nominated the highest ranking black officer in the Army to head up the new African Command. I think that the AFRICOM is a good idea as well as choosing General Ward to head it up. He's a four-star and he seems to be the right man for the job.
I believe that AFRICOM will become one of the most important overseas command centers for the military in the near future. This is due to the increasing number of Muslims in Africa, the amount of oil now being discovered there, as well as the proximity to the Middle East.
I believe that AFRICOM will become one of the most important overseas command centers for the military in the near future. This is due to the increasing number of Muslims in Africa, the amount of oil now being discovered there, as well as the proximity to the Middle East.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Live Earth...Dead on Arrival
The whole Live Earth thing really isn't worth writing about, but since it was such a stupendous failure I thought I would revel in it.
Live Earth was supposed to bring attention to the global warming crisis. It instead contributed to global warming. It was supposed to be watched by 2 billion people worldwide. It was not. It was supposed to be equal to the Live Aid/Live 8 concerts. It was not.
People don't like to be preached to at a rock concert. I know that you and those like you go to concerts to listen to music, not have people not anywhere near qualified to talk about global warming preach to you.
On a final note I find it interesting how the global warming crew has started to change the name to "global climate change". This could be because of stories like this...enjoy!
Live Earth was supposed to bring attention to the global warming crisis. It instead contributed to global warming. It was supposed to be watched by 2 billion people worldwide. It was not. It was supposed to be equal to the Live Aid/Live 8 concerts. It was not.
People don't like to be preached to at a rock concert. I know that you and those like you go to concerts to listen to music, not have people not anywhere near qualified to talk about global warming preach to you.
On a final note I find it interesting how the global warming crew has started to change the name to "global climate change". This could be because of stories like this...enjoy!
US Army...Be all that you can be?
The US Army once again failed to meet their recruitment goals. This could become a problem especially because the months after high school graduation are usually the biggest months for recruitment. The Army is planning on increasing their total number of soldiers by 33,000 and it is going to be difficult due to the way things are going in Iraq right now.
Okay, now for my analysis. I have thought very seriously about joining the US military. I am a college graduate and I am still young enough that I do not have the responsibilities that come with age and family. I have my whole life and the whole world in front of me and yet I still think of joining the military. You might think that is insane. Well I wouldn't blame you.
The reasons that I would join the military have to do with romanticized notions that the military would have us believe in. I am attracted to the service to my country, to the sacrifice to something greater than myself, the showing of patriotism, the historical significance and the camaraderie.
However, I do not join the military (especially the Army) because I do not believe that they would offer me the opportunity to serve in a way that would be most advantageous to both of us. I do not believe that those that join are used in the way that would best benefit all of those involved.
I only wish that the military could find ways to better exploit the talents of the American soldier/sailor/Marine/airman. I am most certainly a fan of the military and I love what they do for our country, but I believe that those in the military right now are being done a disservice by the political wing of the military. The military is being run by politicians and every time this has happened in history of the world it has been followed by great failure.
Okay, now for my analysis. I have thought very seriously about joining the US military. I am a college graduate and I am still young enough that I do not have the responsibilities that come with age and family. I have my whole life and the whole world in front of me and yet I still think of joining the military. You might think that is insane. Well I wouldn't blame you.
The reasons that I would join the military have to do with romanticized notions that the military would have us believe in. I am attracted to the service to my country, to the sacrifice to something greater than myself, the showing of patriotism, the historical significance and the camaraderie.
However, I do not join the military (especially the Army) because I do not believe that they would offer me the opportunity to serve in a way that would be most advantageous to both of us. I do not believe that those that join are used in the way that would best benefit all of those involved.
I only wish that the military could find ways to better exploit the talents of the American soldier/sailor/Marine/airman. I am most certainly a fan of the military and I love what they do for our country, but I believe that those in the military right now are being done a disservice by the political wing of the military. The military is being run by politicians and every time this has happened in history of the world it has been followed by great failure.
US naval superiority in the Gulf
The USS Enterprise (my favorite warship name of all time) is going to the Persian Gulf to relieve the USS John C. Stennis. By trading off with the other aircraft carrier group the US will continue its 2 carrier group presence in the Persian Gulf.
Essentially this tells everyone in the Middle East...don't mess with the best...or you'll die like the rest (I'm aware this is not a Navy slogan, but it works out here as well).
Essentially this tells everyone in the Middle East...don't mess with the best...or you'll die like the rest (I'm aware this is not a Navy slogan, but it works out here as well).
China is one tough country
China executed their Food Safety Chief for being a failure. Apparently they were not satisfied with his work. This is some serious stuff.
I am glad I do not live in China.
I am glad I do not live in China.
D.C. Madam names names
We'll see who ends up on the list of the D.C. Madam's phone records of her "escort" clients. So far there has been one high profile name that I have learned about. There are bound to be more.
You and those like you must be wondering why it is that powerful people feel the need to have their "needs" taken care of by people other than their wives. This concept is just so beyond my comprehension. If you are in a position of power and responsibility than people are going to be looking for ways to tear you down. I would think that you would always be on your best behavior right?
I guess the flip side is that if you are so powerful, you figure you can get away with anything. It seems that power corrupts people in more ways than one.
You and those like you must be wondering why it is that powerful people feel the need to have their "needs" taken care of by people other than their wives. This concept is just so beyond my comprehension. If you are in a position of power and responsibility than people are going to be looking for ways to tear you down. I would think that you would always be on your best behavior right?
I guess the flip side is that if you are so powerful, you figure you can get away with anything. It seems that power corrupts people in more ways than one.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Examples of extreme courage
You and those like you will certainly be proud to read about the stories of our Founding Fathers and their hardships after signing one of the greatest documents of all time.
Could we be so lucky?
Cindy Sheehan has said that she will run for Nancy Pelosi's congressional seat if Pelosi doesn't move to impeach President Bush in the next few weeks. I would love to see this happen if for no other reason than the comedic value.
Big Brother in NYC
You and those like you knew this was coming. New York City is going to begin planning and implementing a closed circuit camera system in Lower Manhattan. And so continues George Orwell's prediction of the future.
US Men's U-20 team
If you don't care about soccer, you don't have to read this, but it is sort of an important international event. The US Men's U-20 team beat Brazil this weekend...that's a big deal.
Arabs and Israelis getting along?
The Arab League is sending a delegation to Israel for peace talks...the USA isn't involved as far as I can tell and neither is any other country outside the region. I find this to be quite encouraging. If the Arabs are willing to step to the table on their own accord, that's a good sign.
Friday, July 6, 2007
British humor
Men and women alike will enjoy this article about how much women talk compared to men.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Al Gore III, no it's not the 3rd Al Gore movie
Sorry, but if this was a Republican's kid this would be all over the news. I'm thinking maybe its a publicity stunt to help his father's Live Earth concert. But in all seriousness, AGIII needs to get some help, this wasn't the first time he's been caught with drugs or driving dangerously. However, it is funny that this time he was caught in a Prius....I mean that's just funny because he was going 100 mph in a Prius...I didn't even know that was possible.
The Clintons are always good for a laugh
This is just comical. The Bill and Hillary came out against the commutation of Lewis "Scooter" Libby's prison sentence, saying that "there are guidelines for what happens when somebody is convicted". This is a joke. Read the article. You and those like you will laugh hardily.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
About the Toledo leadership...yeah...
Strippers, golf and democrats...it don't get any better than that.
I wasn't going to mention the iPhone...but...
I saw this article about hacking into the iPhone and I thought it was hilarious. There are actually people that are reporting on a crime as it goes on, but no one can do anything about it. Perhaps you and those like you might find it humorous as well.
I'll also throw in this blog about the good and bad parts of the iPhone. I just thought it was interesting and informational.
I'll also throw in this blog about the good and bad parts of the iPhone. I just thought it was interesting and informational.
Fast food...the new plague on the world
Fast food fat has expanded its control on the world. In an attempt to overtake and control the universe, fast food companies and fat producers alike have taken a hold on the Philippines.
You and those like you should stop eating fast food because it is going to kill you. So will milk, eggs with or without the yolk, coffee, tea, red meat, steroid injected chicken and hundreds of other foods. And don't forget the actions that will kill you, smoking, driving, walking, jogging, running, breathing and hundreds of other actions you do everyday. My advice...stay indoors, preferably in a bubble.
You and those like you should stop eating fast food because it is going to kill you. So will milk, eggs with or without the yolk, coffee, tea, red meat, steroid injected chicken and hundreds of other foods. And don't forget the actions that will kill you, smoking, driving, walking, jogging, running, breathing and hundreds of other actions you do everyday. My advice...stay indoors, preferably in a bubble.
Alcohol, not just for winos, radio disc jockeys and college kids anymore. According to a new study 30 percent of all Americans will develop a dependence on or abuse alcohol. You and those like you better watch out.
Toledo in the news
Toledo, Ohio has a special place in my heart and this story involves people I know. Manor Care, one of the nations largest owner of nursing home care facilities has announced it will be bought by private equity giant The Carlyle Group. We'll see what happens to the Toledo based company after the sale is final. Toledo businesses have a strong penchant for leaving Toledo as soon as they can.
I won't get on my soapbox, but Toledo's leadership is old, tired, unimaginative, weak, corrupt, uneducated, overpaid and mean-spirited. The only way for the city to succeed is to break the shackles of their retread government officials.
It is a great city trapped in a fog of delusion. You and those like you should visit sometime...we do still have a world-class art museum (the Toledo Museum of Art) and world-class zoo (the Toledo Zoo) along with some other great attractions. It is a Midwestern city that was at one time on the up and up and while its neighbors (to the north, Detroit, to the west, Chicago and Indianapolis, to the east, Cleveland, and to the south, Columbus and Cincinnati) grew, Toledo was locked in mediocrity. It can change, but only with a sweeping political change. Good luck Toledo, I wish the best for you.
Okay, I did get on my soapbox...sorry.
I won't get on my soapbox, but Toledo's leadership is old, tired, unimaginative, weak, corrupt, uneducated, overpaid and mean-spirited. The only way for the city to succeed is to break the shackles of their retread government officials.
It is a great city trapped in a fog of delusion. You and those like you should visit sometime...we do still have a world-class art museum (the Toledo Museum of Art) and world-class zoo (the Toledo Zoo) along with some other great attractions. It is a Midwestern city that was at one time on the up and up and while its neighbors (to the north, Detroit, to the west, Chicago and Indianapolis, to the east, Cleveland, and to the south, Columbus and Cincinnati) grew, Toledo was locked in mediocrity. It can change, but only with a sweeping political change. Good luck Toledo, I wish the best for you.
Okay, I did get on my soapbox...sorry.
Japan suffers from political correctness
So admittedly I don't know much about Japanese politics, but I do know political correctness when I see it. Japanese Defense Minister was forced to resign due to comments he made about the use of atomic weapons during WWII.
Now I don't know the feelings of the country about WWII and their past and this guy has apparently made some dumb comments in the past, but I think he was right in what he said. Without the use of atomic weapons the war probably would have continued and it would have become and even more difficult transition to peace.
Ultimately, I just thought that you and those like you would enjoy the story. It sort of parallels how things are going in the USA right now. Misspeak and you better beware...
Now I don't know the feelings of the country about WWII and their past and this guy has apparently made some dumb comments in the past, but I think he was right in what he said. Without the use of atomic weapons the war probably would have continued and it would have become and even more difficult transition to peace.
Ultimately, I just thought that you and those like you would enjoy the story. It sort of parallels how things are going in the USA right now. Misspeak and you better beware...
Scooter out of jail free
G.W. Bush let Lewis Libby off the hook for the jail time yesterday by commuting his sentence, but leaving the $250,000 fine intact. I think this was the right thing to do because in my estimation Libby was subject to politics in the courtroom. Apparently there is a poll out that says that most people think that Libby should serve some time, but my guess is that most Americans don't know anything about the case except that a high ranking official was busted for something and they like that. You and those like you have hopefully read more into the story.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Terrorism does exist...IDIOTS
If you were completely comatose this weekend, you didn't find out about the attempted and successful terror attacks in the UK. Well there were attempted and successful terror attacks in the UK. We're finding out more about the attacks every hour and it seems as though police were close to getting these guys before they executed the attack.
Hopefully these attacks serve as a reminder to those here in the USA that seem to forget that we are AT WAR! Look I understand that sometimes it's hard to realize that we are at war because things here at home are pretty good. It's not like the victory garden, war bond, make serious sacrifices days of WWII. Nowadays, everyone is content and we don't really have to make any sacrifices if we don't want to. That's because our brave servicemen and women who volunteered to be over there are sacrificing for us.
I unfortunately wait for the day we are hit again by the wacko extremists and we are once again thrown into the reality of the world we live in today. I know that you and those like you understand the situation and the sacrifices that have to be made...I challenge you to make sure that others understand as well.
Hopefully these attacks serve as a reminder to those here in the USA that seem to forget that we are AT WAR! Look I understand that sometimes it's hard to realize that we are at war because things here at home are pretty good. It's not like the victory garden, war bond, make serious sacrifices days of WWII. Nowadays, everyone is content and we don't really have to make any sacrifices if we don't want to. That's because our brave servicemen and women who volunteered to be over there are sacrificing for us.
I unfortunately wait for the day we are hit again by the wacko extremists and we are once again thrown into the reality of the world we live in today. I know that you and those like you understand the situation and the sacrifices that have to be made...I challenge you to make sure that others understand as well.
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